WiFi Vulnerabilities on ESP32/ESP8266 IoT Devices IoT device security is a serious concern within any smart asset ecosystem. A few WiFi vulnerabilities have been detected on... 18 December, 2020
Assembly Line Monitoring Using Advanced AI Technology MicroAI™ Atom uses advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to improve the performance, security, and life-span of IIoT assembly line... 16 December, 2020
Wearable IoT Device Security – Threats and Solutions Wearable IoT devices can be prime targets for cyber-attack. MicroAI™ Atom provides AI-enabled IoT device security that is local and... 10 December, 2020
The Critical Role of X and Y Code Within MicroAI™ A simple Use Case on how MicroAI™ incorporates X and Y code to deliver real-time management of smart devices and... 04 December, 2020
MicroAI AtomML™ Enables Greater Greenhouse Productivity The Agriculture sector is under increasing pressure to increase productivity and reduce costs. MicroAI™ Atom embeds AI into sensors to... 03 December, 2020
Using Behavioral Prediction in Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles (AV), enabled by a host of behavioral prediction technologies, will be making our roadways safer and more predictable.... 12 November, 2020
Using MicroAI AtomML™ to Enable Endpoint AI Solutions Implementation of AI can be too costly for some operations. MicroAI AtomML™ reduces AI-enablement costs by eliminating additional hardware and... 05 November, 2020
Unlocking Industrial Transformation with Embedded and Edge AI Industries across the globe are creating dynamic digital transformation strategies to capitalize on the fourth industrial revolution.... 04 November, 2020
ONE Tech Delivers Visibility, Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness for Auto Manufacturers Through AI ONE Tech, a global leader in edge AI technology, today announced that auto manufacturers around the world are reducing... 29 October, 2020
Sentiment Analysis Solutions Using Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing is being used to develop more effective Sentiment Analysis Solutions. The full power of social media analysis... 21 October, 2020