AI-Enabled NQoS - AI-Enabled NQoS | Learning Center | MicroAI
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AI-Enabled NQoS

AI-enabled observability and optimization of Network Quality of Service (NQoS)

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Why It’s Important

The massive proliferation of connected devices and the data they produce has had a ripple effect on attaining and sustaining high levels of mobile network performance. Service providers need new solutions to meet the growing demands placed on networks that are increasingly dense and diverse. Challenges to maximizing NQoS include:

  • Delayed issue identification

    Root-cause identification is often impeded by the inability to determine if an anomaly is caused by a problem with the device or the network. This leads to delayed mitigation and poor customer experience.

  • Quantifying signal impact

    Network operators have difficulty in quantifying the impact of suboptimal radio signals on the user experience. This lack of insight can lead to reactions that are too heavy or too light.

  • Inconsistent roaming performance

    The customer experience is negatively impacted by the unpredictably of roaming data availability and performance. This problem is compounded by the wide range of device types and their individual roaming behaviors.

How We Do It

To provide new momentum in NQoS optimization, MicroAI provides the AI-powered analytics and visualization necessary to establish, and maintain, deep observability and real-time control of network performance.

  • Deep network monitoring

    via live NQoS Health Scores that allow operators to monitor network performance in real-time while also being able to filter data by equipment type, make, model, and location.

  • Rapid impact assessment

    through monitoring and processing data related to physical radio signals received by the UE as well as user experience related inputs (ping, jitter, loss). Operators can quickly determine the level of impact on user experience.

  • Enhanced roaming experience

    via more direct measurement of the network experience of roaming users and creation of analytics that visualize and improve their experience.

What It Delivers

MicroAI’s AI-enabled methodologies provide tangible NQoS differentiation for network operators, OEMs, and service providers. Positive impacts include:

  • Faster identification and mitigation of performance issues
  • Ability to quickly determine issue impact on user experience
  • Predictive analytics that support forward-looking network performance
  • Deeper insights into user perceptions and behaviors
  • Improved customer experience, brand loyalty, and NPS scores