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Health Scores – Security

Maintaining constant visibility into the security of machines, processes, and networks.

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Cyber-Security Health Scores

Industrial, manufacturing, and telecom companies are under increasing threat from cyber-criminals intent on penetration of vulnerable entry points. The threat is compounded by legacy security applications that are unable to provide the live security health scores required to maintain continuous cyber vigilance.

Cyber Health Metrics

There are many cyber-security metrics that can be tracked. Some provide more value than others. Focusing on those high-impact metrics is crucial to the creation of dynamic cyber-security health scores.

  • Intrusion attempts

    Tracking the number of intrusion attempts helps identify existing vulnerabilities and provides insights into the size of the digital threat landscape.

  • Incident severity

    A qualitative rating of the current and potential future impact of a cyber intrusion.

  • Machine and device

    MTTD (mean time to detection)

    Measurement of the amount of time between cyber intrusion and system detection.

  • MTTR (mean time to response)

    Real-time analysis of the speed and effectivity of cyber-attack mitigation actions.

  • Unidentified devices

    Real-time identification of unauthorized devices operating on the network as well as their potential risk.

  • Vulnerability tracking

    Continuous monitoring and reporting of shifting vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors across the entire network or asset ecosystem.

Cyber-Security Health Score Impacts

AI-powered health scores provide the analytics and visualization necessary to establish, and maintain, deep observability and real-time control of network performance.
  • Real-time, automated, threat monitoring

    AI-enabled data synthesis and live regression analysis closes existing gaps in threat assessment accuracy and provides continuous insights into current and future threats.
  • Live Impact Assessment

    Cyber-security stakeholders can quickly determine the origin, nature, and impact of a cyber intrusion, vastly improving MTTD and MTTR performance.
  • Customizable visualization

    Ability to customize security heath score components and metrics to meet the existing demands of the organization and to quickly onboard new AI-powered analytics as needed.
  • Faster and more accurate reporting of intrusion attempts Increased clarity on the nature and impact of a cyber attack Improved MTTD and MTTR performance Enhanced identification and mitigation of unauthorized devices and users Heath scores support the attainment of a Zero-Trust cyber-security state