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AI at the EdgeManufacturing Automation MagazineAI at the EdgeNov/Dec 2020

By Chris Catterton, ONE Tech, Inc. | Using artificial intelligence to process data on an edge device helps to create new value for OEMs

Manufacturing EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringManufacturing Embraces Hybrid “Reality”November 12, 2020

By Alan Rooks | (published by SME: Society of Manufacturing Engineering)

Electronic Products & TechnologyImplementing AI into hardware designs October 19, 2020

4 Key steps engineers can take when deploying artificial intelligence
By Chris Catterton, director of solution engineering, ONE Tech Inc.

OEM MagazineThe Aftermarket OpportunityOctober 2, 2020

From training to pay-for-performance to features on-demand, the emerging machine builder business model focuses on services that reduce a manufacturer’s financial risk by shifting the responsibility of asset acquisition and management on to the OEM.