Embedded Intelligence that Optimizes Machine Performance
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MicroAI Launchpad™ – A complete AI-enablement ecosystem that provides advanced AI capabilities with reduced cost and less complexity.

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What Is It?

MicroAI Launchpad is a Kubernetes-based platform that delivers AI-enabled enterprise asset management (EAM), asset performance management (APM), intelligent workflows, analytics, and visualization. Launchpad provides rapid development, testing, and deployment of fully customized AI/ML capabilities for companies in the telecom, manufacturing, automotive, financial, and infrastructure industries.

Launchpad Features

MicroAI Launchpad utilizes AI-enabled intelligent workflows and a dynamic visualization engine to automate, optimize, and manage a wide range of processes within a complex smart asset ecosystem. Features include:

  • Embedded Intelligence

    AI signal processing for embedded and edge gateway-based agent support

  • Smart Connectivity

    Protocol agnostic (WiFi, 5G, LTE, CAT-M, NB-IoT, LoRa, etc.)

  • Hyperconverged Platform

    Intelligent workflows, data management, local processing, observability, and cyber-security

  • Dynamic Visualization Engine

    Customizable KPI, drag-and-drop dashboards, single-pane-of glass observability, and automated reporting and alerts

MicroAI Launchpad


Launchpad provides next-generation capabilities in AI-program development and deployment, workflow automation, data ingestion, and data visualization.

  • Real-Time Data Ingestion

    Seamless and secure ingestion of data from a wide variety of industrial, manufacturing, telecom, and automotive devices and equipment. This can include sensors, robots, inspection machines, PLC’s, IoT field assets, and databases.

  • Intelligent Workflows

    The embedding and training of intelligent workflows that are dynamic, automated, and locally managed. AI-enabled workflows that learn and self-adjust to keep processes finely tuned for maximum efficiency.

  • Visualization and Dashboarding:

    A powerful—centralized–visualization engine that enables real-time event management across individual assets within an asset ecosystem. Drag and drop, customizable, dashboards can be configured to visualize real-time asset data and to trigger actionable alerts.

  • Embedded Security

    Asset performance monitoring that includes AI-enabled security and SSL protocols. Protection from cyber-threats using cutting-edge AI capable encryption methods that protect against Zero-Day cyber-attack and other malware intrusions.

  • Asset-Centric Scalability

    Unlike other methodologies, Launchpad can be deployed on multiple smart assets, individually and simultaneously, to enable asset-specific performance benchmarking, real-time data visualization, intelligent field service workflows, and more.

Business/Operational Value

Unlike other solutions that focus on a narrow range of operational functions, Launchpad provides enhanced intelligence, visibility, and control across a broad cross-section of mission-critical Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Tangible improvements are realized within the following areas:

Asset Management

  • Remote monitoring of individual assets within an asset ecosystem
  • Rapid asset performance anomaly detection and response
  • Customizable drag-and-drop asset monitoring dashboards
  • AI-enabled, machine-specific, predictive maintenance routines
  • Improved machine throughput and uptime rates
  • Localized protection of devices and machines from Zero-Day cyber-attack
  • Extended lifespan of expensive assets
  • Lower cost of asset ownership

Business Workflow Optimization

  • Next-generation business process management
  • Automation of contract generation and management processes
  • AI-enabled dispatch scheduling and maintenance technician management
  • Self-learning invoice management optimization
  • Embedded AI algorithms for management of alerts and responses
  • Enhanced customer experience via more predictable support processes


Get started with intelligent integration and automation.


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