Using MicroAI™ Within Channels and Groups IT ecosystems are becoming increasingly complex, putting increased pressure on IT administrators. MicroAI™ brings machine learning to the problem.... 11 March, 2021
MicroAI™ Atom Brings AI to the Wire Mesh Industry Wire mesh manufacturers are looking for ways to improve capacity while reducing costs. MicroAI™ Atom enables Endpoint AI that helps... 04 March, 2021
MicroAI™ Brings Machine Learning to IT Administration IT ecosystems are becoming increasingly complex, putting increased pressure on IT administrators. MicroAI™ brings machine learning to the problem.... 19 February, 2021
Anomaly Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks Most any time of system, device, or machine will produce performance and/or data anomalies. Convolutional Neural Networks help detect those... 05 February, 2021
ONE Tech Launches MircroAI™ Atom – Edge AI Training at the MCU Level is Now a Reality Operators in the trucking industry face many regulatory requirements. Proper truck maintenance is one of those challenges. MicroAI™ Atom provides... 29 January, 2021
Semitruck Management with MicroAI AtomML™ Operators in the trucking industry face many regulatory requirements. Proper truck maintenance is one of those challenges. MicroAI™ Atom provides... 28 January, 2021
MicroAI™ Atom – Edge AI that Will Change Business Models MicroAI™ Atom, an Edge AI enablement solution, will be used to change existing business models within many industries. Auto insurance... 21 January, 2021
MicroAI Launches World’s First Edge AI that Embeds and Trains AI Models Directly on MCU’s AI-driven solution allows users to train a machine learning model directly on billions of limited-compute power devices... 18 January, 2021
Thingbots – the Rise and the Risk to IoT Device Security Thingbots are on the rise and are creating a significant cyber threat to the security of IoT ecosystems. Tips on... 11 January, 2021
Using Cycle Time Analysis to Improve Assembly Line Performance Cycle time analysis, supported by machine learning algorithms, improves the efficiency, output, and reliability of manufacturing assembly lines.... 04 January, 2021