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Health Scores – Machines

Capitalizing on the data produced by IoT-enabled machines.

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Machine Health Scores

Today’s manufacturing and industrial operations are driven by machines that have been embedded with a wide variety of IoT devices (sensors, actuators, controllers, etc.). Those devices produce a flood of data. Utilizing that mass volume of data to produce highly targeted machine health scores is the next imperative within many industry 4.0 initiatives.

Machine Health Metrics

MicroAI utilizes the latest in endpoint AI technology combined with a powerful data aggregation and visualization engine to produce real-time machine heath scores that convert raw data into actionable insights.

  • cyber-threat

    Machine uptime

    The amount of time the machine was operational during a given period.

  • Machine output

    The amount of actual machine output compared to its maximum operating potential.

  • Machine and device

    MTBF (mean time between failure):

    A measurement of how long the machine operates between failure incidents. A vital indicator of machine reliability.

  • Failure root cause

    Identification of the cause of failure and recommended corrective action(s).

  • MTR (mean time to repair)

    A measurement of the amount of time elapsed between machine failure (machine down) and repair (machine back up).

  • First-pass yield

    The percentage of machine-produced products that pass quality inspection with no rework required.

Machine uptime, machine output, and first-pass yield are all components of the OEE calculation.

Machine Health Score Impacts

MicroAI’s machine health scores provide live, easy-to-consume, visualization into the performance of a single asset or an asset cluster. Visualization and insights that drive continuous process improvement and cost reduction.
  • Deep machine observability

    Ability to fast-track issue identification and corrective action and to identify recurring problems based on historical analytics.
  • Higher product yields

    Rapid detection of machine performance issues that negatively impact the quality of the product(s) being produced.
  • Machine lifespan extension

    Real-time asset health monitoring extends the lifespan of expensive assets.
  • Up to 50% reduction in machine downtime Double-digit increases in machine productivity Significant reductions in maintenance labor costs Up to 15% improvement in OEE scores Lower CoGS and improved competitive position