Telcom Customer Analytics - Health Scores - Machines | Learning Center | MicroAI
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Telecom Customer Analytics

Monitoring the key performance indicators of telecom customer satisfaction and loyalty

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Telecom Customer Satisfaction Indicators

Customer churn is an ongoing concern for all telecom operators and service providers. Improving brand “stickiness” requires the ability to visualize and analyze the data that directly impacts current customer satisfaction and identifies potential areas of weakness.

Telecom Customer Metrics

MicroAI’s Smart Connectivity product utilizes a combination of telecom-centric endpoint and edge AI technologies to produce dynamic business and operational key performance indicators (KPI) in the areas of:

  • cyber-threat

    Issue resolution time (IRT)

    A Measure of the amount of time it takes to acknowledge and fully resolve a product or service issue.

  • Customer loyalty

    AI-enabled analytics that track customer loyalty by time, geography, product, service, etc. Granular insights that are delivered in customizable formats.

  • Machine and device

    Upsell frequency

    Tracking the percentage of customers that purchase higher values products and services subsequent to their purchase of baseline options.

  • Repurchase rates

    Monitoring the number of customers that renew existing subscriptions prior to expiration of their original service agreement.

  • Brand engagement

    Measurement of the amount of customer engagement with the network operator’s and service provider’s brand awareness initiatives (email campaigns, social media, advertising).

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

All the above contribute, either directly or indirectly, to the overarching NPS (net promoter score).
“How likely are you to recommend our product or service to others?”