Team LMHM - Online Internal Hackathon Event by ONE Tech
Manufacturing and Industrial Automation companies have been trying to break the 70% OEE barrier. Predictive Manufacturing paves the way to OEE scores of 85%.
Predictive Manufacturing
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Hackathon -lmhm

Hackathon -lmhm

ONE Tech
Innovation Hackathon
for COVID-19

  • Start Date: 04/03/2020
  • End Date: 04/19/2020
  • Start Time: 4pm CDT
  • End Time: 4:30pm CDT


  • Zach Cody
  • Ashna
  • Maureen
  • Raisa

Team Summary

Our team is the “Lean Mean Hacking Machine” because we went lean on developers and engineers and heavy on Management and Sales expertise. The value available in C2M gave us the confidence to build as solution engineers, regardless of our departments: Projects – Zach Cody, Raisa Callistus, Ashna Gupta, Arun Kumar, Rich Greenwell and Sales – Maureen Krezmien. Day 1 of the hackathon we came together to discuss where we thought we could make a difference, and we decided to address the school lunch issues occurring due to COVID-19. There are many children suffering food shortages due to school shut downs, but there are also other local businesses such as restaurants that need help. After some solutioning, we thought our best idea would be to figure out a way to help both groups affected. It was our mission to use the C2M Workflow and Analytics platform to help bring struggling, local businesses together to feed the kids.

LMHM’s Presentation Footage


Placing: 4-5th Place!


  1. First Place Team: $5000 team award plus Company would contribute $5000 towards your favorite charity working to help local communities
  2. Second Place Team: $2500 team award
  3. Third Place Team: $150 Amazon Gift Card for each member
  4. Lots of consolation prizes for everyone for participating

Go back to main Hackathon page here.